RAA participates in IDI’s Global Summit

On 30th November 2021, the Hon’ble Auditor General and senior Management team of Royal Audit Authority attended the virtual Global Summit on ‘What is audit impact of Supreme Audit Institutions?’ organized by INTOSAI Development Initiatives (IDI). The summit was part of launching the ‘Facilitating Audit Impact Strategy 2021-2023’ by bringing together SAI leadership and key stakeholders to explore the dimensions of audit impact, share success stories from achieving such impact and discuss paths to enhance audit impact.

On the invitation of IDI, the Auditor General shared the success stories of high impact audits and audit practices of the Royal Audit Authority. A total of eight SAI leaders shared success stories and reflections. Similarly, three key stakeholders shared experiences on strong stakeholder coalitions and follow-up systems for enabling audit impact.

The summit was attended by 95 participants from member SAIs.

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